Background Information

The ponds at Stonebridge are a beautiful part of our community, but ownership and maintenance are complicated. SCA estimates that there are 14 ponds in Stonebridge: 2 fully owned by SCA, 5 fully owned by the Stonebridge Golf Course, 2 jointly owned by SCA and the Golf course, 1 jointly owned by SCA, Golf Course and an Estates Resident, 3 owned by a Neighborhood association, and 1 jointly owned by SCA and an Estates Resident. Many of these ponds have residential homes built around the pond.

SCA is not currently funding pond maintenance except for North Boulder Pond. North Boulder Pond and Twin Islands Pond are the two largest ponds developed for residential use. Historically these two ponds have been treated until 2022. The general SCA maintenance strategy for ponds, creeks, and drains is to only maintain them for functionality and water flow, not aesthetics. North Boulder Pond is treated for aesthetics, algae, and bacteria because the pond has a private access area for SCA residents. None of the ponds in Stonebridge have a “public access” point, all are within the private Stonebridge community and restricted to SCA resident’s use. SCA covenants indicate that all SCA residents have a non-exclusive easement to all Common Area in our community unless designated in deeds as Exclusive Common Area or Private Amenities. Maintaining our Common Area is the primary function of SCA.

Progress updates:

  1. A point of contention arises from the belief held by the current Stonebridge Community Association Board that all ponds, except for North Boulder Pond, are either Exclusive, Private or just don’t require maintenance. The SCA has produced no evidence in Neighborhood or Homeowner deeds to indicate the Exclusive claim, the golf course is the only Private Amenity commercial property in Stonebridge. The Exclusive Common Area SCA board opinion is the basis used to suspend association-provided treatments of the pond algae and bacteria in SCA owned water (as of 2022). We maintain that the current SCA BOD view is inaccurate and short-sighted. We are continuing to advocate our position, but legal action may be necessary to resolve the dispute.
  2. The ponds’ health impacts all of our community and some Neighborhoods have begun treating their ponds independently. Residents near ponds may need to temporarily treat previously association treated ponds. We are in the process of obtaining quotes from companies specializing in pond maintenance and chemical treatment for algae and bacteria buildup. We will provide further updates as soon as we have more information.
  3. SCA is maintaining the functionality of our creeks and drains. A significant capital improvement has been made in the last few years after flooding occurred in the Heathers area. SCA responds quickly to any water backup issues in the community. A request has been submitted to Twin Oaks by SCA to clean up debris and clear drain pipes under Twin Islands Ct on the East end of Twin Islands Pond. The water is flowing again and the level is gradually receding.
  4. Estate Residents are organizing efforts to contribute to the cleanup of areas where dead branches and trees along the Twin Islands Pond shoreline are trapping algae and hindering proper water flow. The SCA position is that this type of aesthetic maintenance is the homeowner’s responsibility. If you have unwanted buckthorn, willows, or other brush along your shoreline, creek, or drain it is your Neighborhood’s Responsibility or you as the Homeowner to maintain it.
  5. There are other clusters of homes in Stonebridge situated near smaller ponds that manage maintenance on their own. We are seeking contact information to potentially collaborate or gain insights from their experiences. If you have any contacts, please share them with us.
  6. We hope to meet with the golf course to discuss their contribution towards the problem and how they should help.